Monday, November 5, 2012

SEROQUEL XR for Bipolar Disorder

If you are struggling with depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder, help may be available. SEROQUEL XR, pronounced Ser-O-kwell X-R, is a medication approved to treat three of the episodes of bipolar disorder—mania (highs), mixed (highs and lows), and depression (lows). SEROQUEL XR is FDA-approved to treat both the highs and the lows of bipolar disorder. For many people with bipolar depression, it's just one pill, once a day. In addition, SEROQUEL XR is also approved for long-term maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder when added to lithium or divalproex. Your doctor can tell you what kind of improvements and potential side effects you may expect with SEROQUEL XR. It may take some time before you start to feel better, so be patient and continue taking SEROQUEL XR as prescribed. If you are struggling with depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder, help may be available. The information on this page can help you learn more about SEROQUEL XR and be better prepared to have a productive conversation with your doctor. Your doctor can tell you what kind of improvements and potential side effects you may expect with SEROQUEL XR. It may take some time before you start to feel better, so be patient and continue taking SEROQUEL XR as prescribed.

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